Tuesday, May 25, 2021

One Way of Looking at FOX

Living with a very right-wing 92 year-old Dad, I get exposed to a lot of FOX News.  To paraphrase Ron Burgundy, "I'm not even mad, actually I'm impressed."

The most amazing thing about FOX isn't the cavalcade of bullshit being slung on its programming (although that deserves its own three-ring circus for sure).  The most amazing thing are the commercials.  I haven't timed them, but I swear they seem to take up more time than on CNN or MSNBC (although it's been ages since I've watched either).  It's not uncommon for my Old Man to turn on FOX, then wait five minutes, then turn it off in disgust because it's one of the those in-between blocks at the top of the hour.  (I do not have any problems with this!)

And the commercials themselves -- oh boy.

The one that is on every single break is for home re-financing.  I mean, fine.  The FOX demo skews older, and that means mostly home owners rather than renters.  Makes sense.

Then the gold and silver stuff.  What's funny to me is that the stock market remains very hot under Marxist Comrades Biden and Harris, and of course the talking heads can't bring themselves to mention this fact.  Buying gold and silver now is dumb, plain and simple.  I'm no financial genius, but even I know for long-term investing any kind of market index fund is the way to go.

Then there are the charity commercials for wounded veterans.  I obviously have no problem with these commercials themselves, but it's interesting that you've got Mark Wahlberg begging for cash for veterans to properly pay their medical bills and live in housing suited to their needs.  Apparently FOX viewers don't see the flaming contradictions inherent in this -- fight all the forever wars you want, just make sure you're prepared to go begging, hat in hand, if you happen to step on a landmine or get shot, because the U.S. military will basically abandon you.

And finally, dick stuff.  Again, the FOX demo is old as hell.  And yes, older men have dick trouble, or more specifically prostate or urination or sex issues.  Again, that's fine, it's just sad to think that when White Supremacists stormed the Capitol on January 6th to try and prevent Joe Biden from becoming the lawful president, so many of them were probably desperate for a port-o-potty.

Onward incontinent soldiers.

Yes, this is my life for now.

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