Saturday, January 29, 2022

Old Man Take a Look at My Life

Wednesday, January 26, 2022

"life's most refined pleasures"

"There is a subtle state most dedicated urban walkers know, a sort of basking in solitude -- a dark solitude punctuated with encounters as the night sky is punctuated with stars.  In the country one's solitude is geographical -- one is altogether outside society, so solitude has a sensible geographical explanation, and then there is a kind of communion with the nonhuman.  In the city, one is alone because the world is made up of strangers, and to be a stranger surrounded by people one passes, is among the starkest of luxuries.  This uncharted identity with its illimitable possibilities is one of the distinctive qualities of urban living, a liberatory state for those who come to emancipate themselves from family and community expectation, to experiment with subculture and identity.  It is an observer's state, cool, withdrawn, with senses sharpened, a good state for anybody who needs to reflect or create.  In small doses melancholy, alienation, and introspection are among life's most refined pleasures."

-- Rebecca Solnit, Wanderlust: A History of Walking

Saturday, January 22, 2022

Since Nobody Asked Me...

This probably isn't the hugest of limbs to go out on, but I'm feeling the Chiefs and Buccaneers in the Super Bowl yet again next month.

I'm rooting for the Bills though.  Loved to see them beat the tar out of the Patriots.

Standard disclaimer: I am always wrong about sports predictions.

Tuesday, January 18, 2022

Gimbap Blues

I think part of the issue is that I live in the middle of nowhere, but my strong craving for Korean convenience stores is real.  One-dollar gimbap.  A single three-dollar can of Japanese beer.  A decent two-dollar sandwich.

Maybe it's just knowing that they're there, 24 hours a day without fail.

Snacking just isn't the same in America.

Tuesday, January 11, 2022

Bad Boy or Just Bad?

Reading James Ellroy's Perfidia and as usual I can't tell if he's one of the greatest American novelists ever, or a complete hack.  I go back and forth while on the same damn page.  The same damn sentence, if I'm being honest.

My working weekends are also going pretty well.  Without saying too much, the mix of untreated mental health issues and drug use in America does not make for the easiest of times when dealing with people who are having health issues with their pet.  If your animal is sick, you need to have enough cash on hand to take it to a vet.  Taking on a pet is awesome, but also a responsibility like any other.  Enough said.

Thursday, January 6, 2022



Bellingham, Washington.

It's been dumping snow pretty hard out here lately, but hopefully some rain is coming in tomorrow to melt most of it before I have to go into work this weekend.

It's pretty!  It's also annoying!  Work-wise, people lose their damn minds when the weather turns bad.