Friday, July 23, 2021

"that will be inflicted upon lesser beings"

"Silas ran his hand lovingly over the outdoor tomatoes.  One of them, full size and deep red, he picked and weighed in his hand.  'Oxford and Cambridge provide an excellent opportunity to learn, although not better than any well-motivated student can find in a first-class library.  But an Oxbridge education can make graduates feel that they are members of some privileged elite, destined to lead and make decisions that will be inflicted upon lesser beings.  Such elitism must of necessity be based on expectations that are often unfulfilled.  Thus Oxbridge has not only provided Britain with its most notable politicians and civil servants but its most embittered traitors too.'  Silas smiled sadly, as if the traitors had played a long-forgiven and half-forgotten prank upon him."

-- Len Deighton, Spy Sinker

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