Tuesday, July 30, 2024


Fishmans, "Go Go Around This World!" live

I turned 50 today.  To very roughly paraphrase David Lee Roth, "I don't feel tardy."

It's been a hell of a year so far, since the passing of my Dad last November at 94.  I've been working part-time but actually had to recently give that up since I realized I was working for a truly horrible company.  My next job starts in late August, so I've got a few weeks to relax and enjoy the torrid summer.

I've gotten back into Maryland.  There are some things I love about the place, and maybe just a few I don't.  But I see a lot of my family, and that's great.  I'm walking 45 minutes almost every day, which in this weather is not always easy.  My shelter cats are healthy, and one remains a bit of a terror.  I'm obsessed with a Japanese 90's indie-rock band called Fishmans.  As far as I can tell, they did indeed do all their promotional photography either fishing or wearing ridiculous fisherman smocks.  The Orioles may or may not fall apart before the season is over.  Me and my nephew are reading Hemingway's The Nick Adams Stories together, and I'm probably convincing him I'm a death-obsessed weirdo.


But in general, I've got a lot and I can only try to appreciate it all as much as possible.

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