Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Was I The Karen?

This afternoon there was a knock on my door, and a young man in a polo shirt and wearing a lanyard told me he was from my electric company and wanted to put insulation on my water heater.

This was weird on many levels.

My electric company never contacted me.  A water heater seems more like a gas company thing.  It's 2024 -- my phone number and email are pretty easy to find, why not contact me ahead of time?

Anyhow, I called my electric company and was told there would be a 45 minute wait.

I went back to my front door and asked him about his car -- a white Jeep, civilian -- not a work car by any means.  Then his partner arrived, and he showed me a canvas bag that seemed to be filled with light bulbs, and that I'd already paid various surcharges for what was supposed to be an eco-upgrade to my fixtures, or something like that.

Quite honestly I snapped at that moment, told them both to fuck off, and told them I was calling the police.  Before I did that though I told them I was going to take a picture of their car and license plates.  Nothing ensued, but I got a snarky comment along the lines of "I guess you don't read your electric bill."

No, sir, I don't.  Have never read an Apple customer agreement license either.  I live dangerously.

Anyhow the guys drove off and I filed a police report through the non-emergency line (Frederick, Maryland).  To their tepid credit, my electric company also called back and I filed another report with (I think) customer service.  The guy I spoke with said he had no knowledge of any sub-contracted, non appointment work going on in the area.

So I feel like garbage if I overreacted, but how the hell do you expect to enter a house these days without some sort of an appointment being made through the company involved?

The more I dwell on it, the more I think they were trying to pull off a "green" sales pitch but instead of just asking for me to buy shit, they wanted an "in" by getting into my house and pointing out how old and decrepit my light fixtures are.  (They aren't.)

Who knows.  I hate to yell.  I certainly hate to be an a-hole.   But these guys set off a lot of alarms.

Weird.  Be careful!

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