Monday, November 29, 2021

"you have not seen it properly"

"Galileo flew into another tilted mirror, and both shot through it and bounced off it at the same time, either reintegrating or not on the far side, breaking up as he became whole --

'Wait!' he shouted in a panic to Aurora.  'Help.  Help me!' This can't be right, it makes no sense! Help!'

Aurora's voice croaked in his ear, full of amusement.  'No one understands it in the way you mean. Please, relax. Fly on.  Be not afraid.  Bohr once said if you are not shocked by quantum mechanics, you have not seen it properly.  We have come to an aspect of the manifold of manifolds that cannot be understood by recourse to any images from the sensorium, nor by your beloved geometries.  It is contradictory, counter to the senses.  It has to remain at the level of the mathematical abstractions that we are moving among.  But remember, it has been shown that you can use these quantum equations and get physical experimental results of extraordinary accuracy -- in some cases as much as one in a trillion.  In that sense the equations are very demonstrably true.'

'But what does that mean?  I can't understand what I can't see.'

'Not so.  You have been doing that quite frequently now.  Rest easy.  Later the whole of quantum mechanics will be placed in the context of the ten-dimensional manifold of manifolds, and there reconciled to gravity and to general relativity.  Then, if you can go that far, you will feel better about how it is that these equations can work, or be descriptive of a real world.'

'But the results are impossible!'

'Not at all.  There are other dimensions folded into the ones our senses perceive, as I told you.'

-- Kim Stanley Robinson, Galileo's Dream

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