Friday, October 11, 2019

"Life is tenacious"

"The Canada lynx?  I call it the Manhattan lynx.  It feasts on New England cottontails, on snowshoe hares, muskrats and water rats.  At the center of the estuarine network swims the mayor of the municipality, the beaver, busily building wetlands.  Beavers are the real real estate developers.  River otters, minks, fishers, weasels, raccoons: all these citizens inhabit the world the beavers made from their version of lumber.  Around them swim harbor seals, harbor porpoises.  A sperm whale sails through the Narrows like an ocean liner.  Squirrels and bats.  The American black bear.

They have all come back like the tide, like poetry -- in fact, please take over, O ghost of glorious Walt:

Because life is robust,

Because life is bigger than equations, stronger than money, stronger than guns and poison and bad zoning policy, stronger than capitalism,

Because Mother Nature bats last, and Mother Ocean is strong, and we live inside our mothers forever, and Life is tenacious and you can never kill it, you can never buy it,

So Life is going to dive down into your dark pools, Life is going to explode the enclosures and bring back the commons,

O you dark pools of money and law and quantitudinal stupidity, you oversimple algorithms of greed, you desperate simpletons hoping for a story you can understand,

Hoping for safety, hoping for cessation of uncertainty, hoping for ownership of volatility, O you poor fearful jerks,

Life!  Life!  Life!  Life is going to kick your ass."

-- Kim Stanley Robinson, New York 2140

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