Tuesday, November 3, 2020

"sudden death due to heart failure or a stroke as a result of extreme hard work"

The life of a delivery driver is never easy, especially in COVID-era South Korea:

"The fates of the 14 drivers can not be directly linked to overwork, but their families described the causes of death as 'kwarosa' - a Korean term used for sudden death due to heart failure or a stroke as a result of extreme hard work. Drivers in South Korea are struggling to cope with the sheer volume of online orders during the Covid-19 pandemic. As the packages have piled up, so has the pressure.

One of the drivers who died was 27-year-old Jang Deok-jin, a former Taekwondo enthusiast who had lost 15kg (33lbs) after doing 18 months of night shifts, according to his family. Deok-jin came home from a night shift earlier this month at around six in the morning and headed for a shower. His father found him dead face down in the bathtub an hour later.

'We loved that boy. When he said it was such hard work we told him it was ok to stop working, but he used to tell me that he had plans for his future,' his father said. 'I am to blame for not discouraging him from working so hard and exploiting himself.'"

It's almost as if Capitalism, by design, is a system that alienates us from our labor, our families, and ourselves.

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