Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Not a Pyrrhic Victory So Much As a Sad and Underwhelming One

Obviously, it's not over but then again it's kind of over barring Complete and Total Ratfucking.  This election was much closer than it should have been, and yet not so close that John Roberts would show his hand just yet.  With the Senate out of reach for Dems he has two solid years of pretty much rewriting the post-1945 legal status quo for America.  Why blow it so early when Biden will most likely not be able to enlarge the court?  Or even get rid of the filibuster?

Goodbye Roe for starters.

So it sucks.  I stand by my opinion that large turnout is a generally good thing, even if it means there must have been a ton of first-time Trump voters out there.

It's looking like Biden bombed with Hispanic voters.  Another reason to take the incredibly smart and motivated AOC more seriously?

Silver linings?

The Senate map for 2022 is looking good for Democrats, but again Biden has to think big and strategically.  If he goes back to Washington thinking he'll just charm the pants off of McConnell to get the Democratic agenda through we really are screwed.

And fuck the Electoral College.

In a few hours I have to walk into my adult night class and explain a lot of this shit to them.

Good times.

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