Monday, March 23, 2020

"inferior care individually though better outcomes for the community at large"

There are many dynamics to think about these days regarding the coronavirus.  Over here in South Korea, it's been interesting to see how the western media has shifted from a position of "OMG those heathen Chinee and their dirty filthy habits!" to a grudging admission that China, South Korea, Hong Kong, and Singapore have, to relative degrees, shown the world how the disease can be managed.  (Trump is still pushing the racism shit, of course, because that's who he is and always has been.)

The country hid hardest as of now is Italy, and it's hard to believe the rest of Europe isn't in deep trouble what with the ease of travel between the EU and England.

Anyhow, a group of Italian doctors is going as far as to suggest that the real problem could be hospitals themselves:
"What does this mean? Concretely it means that hospitals themselves may be a big part of the problem. When lots of COVID-19 patients rush into the hospitals, clinicians are then spreading it within the hospitals. Key quote: 'We are learning that hospitals might be the main Covid-19 carriers, as they are rapidly populated by infected patients, facilitating transmission to uninfected patients. Patients are transported by our regional system, which also contributes to spreading the disease as its ambulances and personnel rapidly become vectors.'
The authors argue that doctors should be treating many patients at home, both via telemedicine and house calls. The implications of this are stark and sobering. They grant that for some patients this will mean inferior care individually though better outcomes for the community at large. Again, these are trade-offs and logics American medicine and society are really not prepared to confront. But obviously we’re also not prepared to confront denying potentially life-saving care to all but those with the best chance to survive."
Basically, when hospitals become breeding grounds for the virus we really need to re-think just about everything regarding modern civilization.

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