Monday, March 30, 2020

Heck Is (Maybe) Other People, Definitely Children

Speaking of foreigner co-worker, we had a bit of a philosophical debate as to the best quarantine scenario -- alone or with a partner?

He's newly married, and seemingly very happy, and he waxed rhapsodic about how happy they were in their love nest together.  (No, I didn't ask about the sex.  I'll remind you I'm a classy boy.)

I'm weird and single and found myself, all things considered, pretty damn happy for the month of March doing what I normally do -- reading, watching movies, taking walks.  If it isn't clear by now, I was leaving my apartment daily but not doing my usual stuff like movie-theater movies or sporting events or hanging out in cafes downtown or museums.

And of course, what about kids?  I know my sister is happily ensconced with my nephew, who is truly mature and thoughtful for his age.  They also live in an nice big house.  But I shudder to think what it would be like in a small apartment with multiple rug rats.

Obviously, types are drawn to types.  But I vote for alone.  Even with a loving partner, you're one argument or stomach flu away from disaster.


  1. I say this with all the love and affection in the world for my partner, but alone. Oh God, alone. Sweden isn't on lockdown yet so I'm very irresponsibly going to work during the week, partially for productivity but definitely also for the sake of sanity. For the both of us.

    1. Nice to hear from you! Stay safe!

    2. Hehe I drop in to comment once in a blue moon, but I'm always here. Creeping.
