Wednesday, July 3, 2019

Why Shouldn't Us Libs Responsibly Own More Guns?

Corey Pein on the rise of left-wing gun ownership:
"Consider the tense political climate in the Pacific Northwest, where Washington state Representative Matt Shea, a dough-faced Christian dominionist from Spokane, made news last year when his instructions on how to build a'holy army'that would kill 'all males' who refused to submit to biblical law leaked to the press. 'ssassination to remove tyrants is just, not murder,'he wrote. The tyrant he referred to was not Trump, of course, but the communists he imagined running the government. 

Such paranoid fantasies may be familiar to heavy consumers of YouTube and Reddit, but watching them transposed on to the structures of governance is a novelty. As a result, many leftists and even some liberals are beginning to reconsider their feelings about firearms, joining a loose amalgamation of gun groups, from John Brown Gun Clubs (which take their name from the abolitionist) to the Pink Pistols (an LGBTQ group), Liberal Gun Club, and Socialist Rifle Association. Some of these organizations are moderate and traditionalist, others radical and revolutionary. But all share one implicit goal: to normalize firearms ownership and training among liberals. Some of their members hope such efforts will at least make Republicans think twice before attempting a massacre."
I'm absolutely fine with this.  Fascism isn't coming to America, it has already arrived as far as I'm concerned.  Unsurprisingly, many fascists have already infiltrated the government as well.  The murder of Heather Heyer by a literal Nazi was no accident.

Buying and learning to use a firearm seems like a perfectly measured response.  I'd think twice if I had kids, but it's still an option.  Lest we forget before it became a terrorist organization, the NRA really did stand for responsible gun education.  (When my dad decided to teach me how to shoot he ordered some safety manuals -- free! -- and made me read them and memorize them before he took me to the range for the first time.)

Let's be brutally honest here -- Trump is a delusional incompetent.  But the next Republican president might actually have his shit together, and the toxic fantasies of White Supremacism will come even closer to fulfillment.

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