Monday, July 22, 2019

Gratuitous Summer Update Post Featuring Awesome Classic Korean Hip-Hop

CB Mass, "CB Mass Is My Friend"

I'd argue this is peak old-school Korean hip-hop.  And as Jay-Z taught us, using a children's choir as your hook will always make for a great banger.

This is my last week of adult classes, and my last week in Korea before summer vacation fully starts up.  Next Tuesday I'll fly to Seattle and visit my Dad for a few days, then fly to Baltimore to visit my sister for a little less than two weeks.  I'm looking forward to seeing my family of course, but visiting my Dad is a bit of a chore -- he lives in the middle of nowhere (about 90 minutes north of Seattle, in fact) and he doesn't have internet.  And while I'm fine with knocking out a few actual dead-tree books while I visit him every summer, his Luddite ways have gone from charming to annoying over the past few years.  The fact that he has FOX News on full-blast for the entirety of my visits means I basically sit on the front porch and read.  Not the worst thing ever, but not exactly ideal for father-son bonding either.

Baltimore will be a lot more fun, if only because my awesome sister and nephew actually look forward to my visits, and they actually plan fun stuff like trying new brew-pubs or restaurants, watching my nephew ride horses competitively, and probably an Orioles game.  (Hey, they're still my US-based team no matter how awful they are and always have been since 1983).

So all is well.  It's hot and humid as hell here in lurvely Daegu, and if you aren't running an AC at full blast everything in your office or apartment gets a slightly damp, clammy feel that's perfectly disgusting.

Also, as per usual, I'm getting about three or four free lunches and dinners this week with my adult students.  I'm all for great-big greasy Korean barbecue extravaganzas but, as mentioned, it's damn hot so we're going down more of the cold-soup and vegetarian bibimbab road.

Anyhow, blogging will be light to non-existent until mid-August when I come back.  Have a great summer!

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