Wednesday, March 29, 2023

The Various Diners of Whatcom County 22: Horseshoe Cafe

113 East Holly St, Bellingham, WA

Let's head to the heart of Bellingham for breakfast today, at the Horseshoe!  And let's be honest -- you might be turned off by the homeless guys encamped along the sidewalk but I'd suggest going on in.  They seem to have an agreement on not harassing customers.

So maybe not the best way to start one of my diner reviews?

Keep an open mind, and you'll leave with a delightfully full belly.  Homelessness is a fact of life in Bellingham and won't be going away any time soon.

Vibe:  Friendly, once you get inside!

Song heard:  Stevie Ray Vaughn, "Pride and Joy"

Coffee:  Excellent.

Did the yolk pop like it should?:  Yes, and the entire EB was great with some nice melty cheese.  Hash browns were just O.K.

Can I sit and read a while?:  Yes, but they were doing pretty good business for a weekday.  I also have to say the decor is amazing -- this place must have been around for decades.  And they have a day-time drinking menu.

Price:  $24.69 (Eh, maybe a bit high here.)

I guess this is a lounge area?  I think they share the space at night with a bar next door.

There's a lot to like about the Horseshoe, and there are some things they can't really control.  It's definitely worth a visit in any event.


3 / 5 Nighthawks

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