Sunday, May 15, 2022

The Various Diners of Whatcom County 12: Hilltop Restaurant & Catering

Hilltop Restaurant & Catering, 5645 Guide Meridian, Bellingham, WA

North out of town once again along the lovely Guide Meridian, is it a diner?  A restaurant?  Or a catering business?  Yes!  It's Hilltop Restaurant!

Wallet?  Check!  Hungry?  Check!  Passport to Eggs Benedict?  Of course!

Vibe:  We're On The Road To Breakfast!

Song heard:  Alanis Morissette, "Ironic"

Coffee:  Very standard.

Did the yolk pop like it should?:  Yes, and notice above there were options for crab cakes or salmon, but I stuck with the original and wasn't disappointed.

Can I sit and read a while?:  This place is surprisingly large, so yes.  Maybe a little too big, really?  Bordering on sterile over homey?

Price:  $21.42

This is a solid fastball of an EB, down and to the right just a bit.  Maybe just a bit too much sauce.  The hash browns were fine, but pretty forgettable.

Hilltop does everything right, in a workmanlike way, and maybe that's why I left feeling just a bit disappointed.  Can a restaurant and catering business be a good diner?  Yes!  Can it be a great one you're dying to bring your friends to, to show off a slice of local flavor?  Probably not!


3 / 5 Nighthawks 

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