Sunday, March 24, 2019

"Meatless Meat"

Is the famously meat-o-genic culture of South Korea ready for meatless variations  of animal protein?  Maybe:
"By many measures, farming is one of the most environmentally straining things humans do. Agriculture contributes more greenhouse gas to the atmosphere than all 'cars, trucks, trains and airplanes combined', National Geographic reports. Deforestation for new farms, often carved out of forests and jungles, extinguishes biodiversity. And the waste collected by modern industrial animal farming contributes to ocean dead zones.
But with an additional 2 billion people projected to join us on Earth by 2050, farmers need to produce far more calories than we do now. The near-universal agreement among experts is that reducing the amount of meat you eat is the best way to reduce environmental harm."
As I've said many times, Korea might be the most difficult place in the world to fully go vegetarian, let alone vegan.  If "meatless" gimmicks can convince folks to cut down on meat, it might be worth a shot.

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