Thursday, February 28, 2019


Of course Trump wants to spin his Hanoi debacle as a "walking away" situation, a tie, a neutral outcome.

However, Kim Jong-un will train back to Pyongyang more powerful, and more assured of his power, than ever.  No doubt he wasn't exactly in a bad position pre-Singapore, but now he and North Korea have been legitimized as an international power, not a dictatorial backwater undeserving of meeting with the United States president.

North Korea is stronger than ever before.  The US has gotten nothing.  Japan is rightfully bemused at how dumb a large portion of the American electorate must be.  Russia is laughing at us, because of course they are.

And South Korea?  Well, Moon Jae-in was probably hoping for another "success" like Singapore but at the very least he has no reason not to continue working on his own directly with Kim on detente between South and North.

That's a silver lining of sorts, albeit a slim one.

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