Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Mixed Bag

I slept poorly last night.  (Note to self: bringing an iPad to bed to monitor early USian election results was not a good idea.)  Obviously, I'm happy the House was taken back by the good guys and that we'll finally see some actual checks on The Orange Pussy Grabber.  That's huge.

What sucks?  Well, basically Florida and Georgia and Texas.  How any electorate could turn down figures as inspiring as Gillum and Abrams is beyond me, especially when you consider that white people are gonna vote for white racist people, forever.  (Beto was always going to be a hell of a long shot.)

Barring Constitutional remedies, I'm not sure how the Senate ever becomes a functioning, semi-representational body rather than the White Rural Bulwark it was created to be.

Some good news in local races though, and those matter a lot.

Of course, Mueller is now going to wind up or wind down Russia-Gate in what should be appropriately dramatic fashion.

But to be blunt, I'm not sure if my mental health can sustain two more years of Trump, let alone six.  (Does he ever get fucking exhausted with his own bullshit?  No?  Okay then.)

Anyhow, Josh Marshall deserves the last word:
"But I come out of tonight feeling good about the result. Why? The country is in a position where we don’t have the luxury of getting everything we want or getting overly disappointed if we don’t. I can’t tell you how disappointed I am that Gillum went down to defeat. But there was one absolutely critical thing that had to happen tonight: the Democrats had to reclaim a foothold of power in Washington to place a check on President Trump.
They did that. It wasn’t close. The victories had geographical breadth. That is critical."
Politics is the ultimate breeding ground for cliches, so embrace it: this is a marathon, not a sprint.

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