Friday, August 18, 2023

"What was gourmet about it, I couldn't tell you."

"We went into a fast food joint.  It proclaimed itself a 'Gourmet Soupery.'  What was gourmet about it, I couldn't tell you.  I got a little dizzy when I tried to lift the tray with our two bowls on it.  Despite chiding HIM about HIS diet earlier, I realized I hadn't eaten anything since yesterday myself.  They were saying on the news that more and more young people were forgetting to eat, starving to death.

'This feels kind of embarrassing somehow,' I said as I picked up my spoon.

'Uh-huh.' HE nodded.

'I've never eaten with someone else before.'

'Me neither.'

We ate sitting side by side gazing at the video screen.  It's so hard to relax without something to look at.  The screen was showing a sunset over some southern island.  The camera didn't move, so it was pretty much like an ultravista.  Once the sun had sunk fully behind the horizon, the programme changed to Top Forty This Week.  That restaurant chain's catchphrase is 'Brand new videos, guaranteed.'"

-- Izumi Suzuki, "Terminal Boredom"

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