Tuesday, November 29, 2022


A good friend visited me here in Bellingham for early-Thanksgiving dinner.  On Thursday itself I headed up to Canada to visit a place even my Dad never made it to -- the "pene-exclave" of Point Roberts, USA.

It's a truly weird place, geographically speaking.  You go into Canada on I-5, then towards Vancouver, but you make big left turn / fish-hook to get here instead.  And you actually have to go through Customs (albeit a much smaller operation) all over again.

There's not a whole lot to see.  You'd be crazy to start a business here with all the necessary red tape.  But strangely enough, it is part of Whatcom County and at the animal shelter we do occasionally get a call from here.  Basically, I tell them (politely!) that most of our officers don't have passports, and it would take almost a whole day of driving just to get to and from there from Bellingham proper.

There are some beautiful views though.  On the left of the horizon on the next picture you can see Mount Baker.


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