Thursday, November 3, 2022

Is It OK That Sad Stereolab Songs Still, Somehow, Make Me Happy?

Stereolab, "Fluorescences"

Fall has definitely arrived in Whatcom County.  I raked yesterday and put a very minor dent in what needs to be done.  In my defense, there's a few trees around the house that still haven't dumped their leaves yet.  For work I'm taking on online class on cat and dog first aid which is about as interesting as it sounds -- a lot of it is common sense, but there are some weird things to keep in mind.  (Dog and cat body temperature runs two to four degrees higher than a human's.  That's one to grow on.)

Speaking of work, I'm picking up some decent extra shifts because the full-time dispatcher / new guy is a musician.  I'm covering him tomorrow because he has a gig in Seattle.  The fact that he's my age (48) and still living the rock and roll dream?  Who am I to judge the greater PNW.

Also reading Harry Crews for the first time and enjoying it as much as you can enjoy the bleakness of poverty in America.

We might be getting snow next week.  Yikes.

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