Monday, November 4, 2019

Watchmen, So Far -- With Spoilers

I'm absolutely flummoxed by the new Watchmen series.

It had an intriguing start, setting up a universe where the effects of the Tulsa white terrorism riots of 1921 would reckon with the events of the Watchmen comic series (1985).  Episode two was kind of dull.  Then episode three brings back a major character from the comic with little to no explanation of what's been going on for the past 35 years, other than that she's an ex-superhero who hates superheroes (or, properly, "vigilantes.")

I don't expect a good series to hold your hand at every turn, but I found myself scratching my head in sympathy for anybody who hasn't recently read the comic.  And no, seeing the Zak Snyder film (2009) only goes so far, because in the TV universe the "canon" ending has occurred, not the Snyder plot change.  (Spoiler: the comic ending saw the US and USSR reconcile, but only after the horrific death of half of New York City, as opposed to Snyder's "Doctor Manhattan is gonna kill us all we must be friends now!")

So I'll watch the rest.  I think.  I don't know.  The latest episode swayed quickly between pretentious and tedious.  It's hard to care about these characters when the whole series so far is premised on the fact that you've "done your homework," so to speak.

That's annoying.

And the big blue dildo thing wasn't clever, it was very stupid.  Silk Specter would have moved on by now.

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