Saturday, August 7, 2021

"you're just drunk"

"'Then I'll unmarry you, you insolent wench,' Lord B. managed to thunder.  'You can't just fob off the nobility of Europe like that.  I'll seek an annulment -- consider yourself confined to your room.'

'Here's a priest. . . he must know how to arrange annulments,' he added.

Father Geoffrin merely chuckled.

'Oh, not I, Your Lordship,' he said.  'I should think you have to apply to the Holy Father directly in a matter of that significance.'

'The Holy See is unfortunately rather distant from the Missouri River,' he added, unnecessarily Mary thought.'

'Wouldn't work anyway -- not only am I married, I'm with child,' Tasmin said.  'Pregnant, to put it bluntly.'

'What?  You harlot, I'm ruined!' said Lord Berrybender.  'Where is the fellow?  I'll kill him!'

'You're not ruined at all, you're just drunk,' Tasmin informed him.

Seconds later Lord B. began to sway, then to sway more, and finally to heave.  The remains of his modest dinner, and a great deal of wine besdies, came up in Simon Le Page's lap, to the horror of Mademoiselle Pellenc, who at once took command of the young trader and led him away, meaning to clean him up.'"

-- Larry McMurtry, Sin Killer

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